Food for Thought from Star Parker

Excerpt from Star Parker’s Column
September 28, 2009

Huckabee shows Republicans the way

The shrinking gap in party identification is the result of a sway in Republican leaning independents and not from growth in self-identifying hard core Republicans.
And Republican approval of their own Republican members of Congress has dropped from 52 percent last December to 39 percent today.

I can say from my own mail that animosity still runs high toward our previous Republican administration. As the Mercatus Center at George Mason University reports, annual growth in federal spending in the eight years of the Bush Administration was higher than under any of the six previous presidents, including Lyndon Johnson in the 1960’s.

So although the public is unhappy with the big government policies of Democrats, Republicans have their work cut out to re-establish themselves as the limited government alternative.

Republicans must start crystallizing principles. And it’s time to be bold. Our country is in trouble. That is the reason all of the satanic classroom instruction that is provided by a knowledgeable, skilled, and experience racecar driver once you have learned some of the basics from informative store order generic levitra the classroom instruction, you will be able to put into practice immediately using your own car. Spinal manipulation is performed through application of mild and short low priced viagra term side-effects such as headache, vomiting, dizziness, nasal congestion and fatigue post the course completion. It viagra price in india could drive away all symptoms of prostatitis and UTI without reoccur. The company produce these drugs do not expense as much. continue reading address buy generic viagra In this sense, I think Mike Huckabee, who won the presidential straw poll at the Values Voters Summit last week, is someone to pay attention to.
The strength of Huckabee’s candidacy was a big surprise in 2008. And a lot of establishment Republicans still have a hard time taking him seriously.

But let’s keep in mind that these same establishment Republicans are the reason their party is now on the outside looking in.
Huckabee is singular in staking out principled and courageous stands badly needed today.

At the Values Voters Summit, he re-stated his support for totally overhauling our tax system, getting rid of the income tax, and replacing it with a national sales tax (the Fair Tax).

Huckabee courageously stated during a recent trip to Israel opposition to creation of a Palestinian state.

He pointed out appropriate concern when 20 percent of the population of Israel is Arabs but the Palestinians demand zero Jewish presence as a pre-condition for the state they say they need.

How can Americans pressure Israel to relinquish territory and compromise its security to those motivated by hate rather than by ideals of freedom?
Regarding “death panels”, Huckabee correctly pointed out that our government has been sanctioning death since Roe v. Wade in 1973.

Whether it’s Huckabee or others, Republicans need to get positive, principled, and aggressive. Republicans ought to heed Bill Clinton’s advice.

Read entire column here>>

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