Something about this headline caught my eye, you see, it’s about education

We’ve Added Feathers and it Still Won’t Fly?!?

Well in the first place when you see it’s about education, you’ve just got to read it.  And then when you read the first two paragraphs they have you hooked.

Posted by Andrew J. Coulson
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Economist Rick Hanushek argues today that there is no evidence to suggest  “weighted student funding” will improve public school outcomes as its bipartisan backers hope. He contends that simply tying school-level funding to students, and thereby bypassing some of the budgetary role of districts, will create no systemic incentive for improvement and will not advance more substantive reforms.

He’s almost certainly right. Instead, Rick contends that districts should be financially rewarded based on their performance, borrowing a key aspect of the free enterprise system. But just that one aspect… and that’s a problem. There is no reason to believe that slapping a single isolated aspect of the market system on to the side of our state school monopoly will transmogrify it into a model of efficiency and responsiveness. Any more that strapping feathers to a brick can make it fly.

That’s your teaser, now go read it all.

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