More punishment than crime.

My son Ray Hoese was reading a book and came across this line:

“He thought that in the history of the world it might even be that there was more punishment than crime but he took small comfort from it.” Cormack McCarthy, The Road (2006)

He had some pretty deep thoughts on what all really constitutes a crime and posted it on Facebook.  I saw it and thought it was a great blog post. so here it is.

More punishment than crime.

I was reading this book last night (fiction) and the phrase “more punishment than crime” was used. It struck me as being the case today.

With all our rules and regulations, taxes and fines, prison, and lawsuits and legal fees – leaving people unable to even fight when they’ve been set upon by the government or private persons — or good folks gone bad in the government.

There is no room in all these policies and procedures and rules and processes, no room for people to just do what’s right for one another. There’s too much at stake. No room to just leave each other alone. And we find ourselves at the mercy of those corrupted in power, by power.

Every single thing that even hints at not being correct has to be corrected, and there is usually punishment in that correction. The prisons are called “Correctional Institutions”. That is so ridiculously euphemistic… sounds like something out of a science fiction novel.

Our governments — city, state, federal — are the worst offenders. Our elected officials are over-officialed, over-lawed. A great good could be done if many of them focused on undoing stupid laws instead of creating new ones.

Look at the tax code. Seriously, look at it. You can’t. It burns your brain like looking directly at the sun. We have to wear special glasses and hire special people to look at it for us. Look at the rules about your car registration, and truck registration and farm vehicles and tractors and bicycles and motorcycles. And with every form a tax and a fee.

All the paperwork has to be perfect, or you’re in violation.

More punishment than crime.

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