Links and comments April 22, 2014

Health Care Spending’s Recent Surge Stirs Unease  Unexpected, of course, by the people in our administration who have never run a business.

GAO report: White House directly involved in Enroll America fundraising  we now live in a third world country if your look at our graft and corruption.  We survived Teapot Dome I hope we can survive this.

Sebelius stays on just long enough to get government benefits  What hypocrites these people are, just leave me in long enough to get more from the public trough.

Guess Who Makes More Than Bankers: Their Regulators  The average compensation at the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. (FDIC) and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) exceeded $190,000 in 2012. The staff at the Federal Reserve is likely even better compensated, but the Fed refuses to release employee salaries.

Obama Calls for Highest Sustained Taxation in U.S. History

>US weighs curbing deportations  I thought this was already his policy.

WarOnWomen: 10K+ Rape Kits Go Untested For Years In Democrat Owned Detroit  this is so sad.  We hear about all the shootings, there must be as many or more rapes.

BLM Confirms It Killed Six Of Bundy’s Cattle  I agree with the Nevada Assembly woman who said the logical solution on a debt like this a lien. Why did they get so heavy handed?

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The People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals is criticizing the Bureau of Land Management for apparently euthanizing an unknown number of cattle at the Bundy Ranch. euthanizing? was this a humane euthanizing?  No.

I did not know about this. Did you?

This entry was posted in Censorship, Citizens, common people, Congression pensions, Conspiracy theories, Eminent Domain, Illegal immigration, Illinois, intimidation, Principles, protests, rape, resentment, Waco and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.