Links and Comments, Oct. 14, 2014

Obama and his supporters are definitely not pro business.  Audubon’s lawsuit cost 22,654 logging and mill jobs in California, Oregon and Washington, according to final surveys. The Oregon Natural Resources Council’s Andy Kerr called the unemployed “collateral damage”—a despised underclass bloodied without consequence or conscience.

And on that subject: Sen. David Vitter, R-La., the top Republican on the Environment and Public Works Committee, told The Daily Signal that the Natural Resources Defense Council played an “absolutely inappropriate” role in drafting the EPA’s new carbon emissions plan.

The Great Catholic Cave-in that Wasn’t.

Ruins of the Middle East by Victor Davis Hanson

Harris, Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director comprimé vardenafil for African Affairs for the National Security and a good pay package. The main purpose of manufacturing this medicine order cheap cialis was to cure erectile dysfunction from all the men and to keep look young. Fezinil cialis on line is a natural way to improve your sex life. These generic drugs are produced in geographic locations where line uk viagra the cost of labor is lower as compared to other branded medicines. This scary story may tell you more than you want to know about ebola and related viruses.

Uh oh, the Washington Post Fact Checker gives the White House two Pinocchio’s on the statements of a report on the Cartegnena prostitute scandal.

Top General: The US needs to rethink how much we cut the Army.  about time someone said this, it goes for the rest of the military, too.

Ann Romney says they are Done, done, done!  It annoys me no end to see the mainstream media keep putting Romney’s name up as a presidential candidate, I see them as wanting to choose the Republican candidate they are sure they can beat.

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