Links and Comments after a long hiatus.

I have links from this time but the site was under repair.  I may post them later, a few can be found on the old Rockport Conservatives on blogspot.

Dinesh D’Sousa’s 8 month night confinement sentence is over and he learned a lot from it.  He is intent on showing the true intentions of the leftists.

Disney really isn’t Disney anymore it has been corrupted and is just another mega international company.

Corruption in the weather service top officials–where does it end? Does it ever end?

O how I wish we had someone with a conservative slant in charge of the House. Boehner is not a conservative, does not like the conservative agenda and is ready to rollover for the president.

President Obama and his administration continue to support the global Islamist militant group known the Muslim Brotherhood. A White House strategy document regards the group as a moderate alternative to more violent Islamist groups like al Qaeda and the Islamic State.

NOAA is fiddling with numbers to hide the decline the truly are on a mission.   ed note: when you click on the page you might have to click on an X in the upper right corner to hide the ads for other articles.

I think it is way too late except for the show, but Henry Meyerson thinks Hillary should break with Wall street.  She might as well she has all their money already.

Clinton the Inauthenic  You have to read past the first few paragraphs to see he has to admit it doesn’t look good for the Clintons.  He still cannot admit they are crooks, just that it doesn’t look good.

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Stop paying federal workers to sit home, Personnel Chief tells agencies.

The EPS’s big surprise report– surprise to the liberals, anyway. They cannot believe fracking doesn’t ruin your drinking water.

How many transplants should one person receive?  I wonder if he wasn’t just used as an experiment.

Florida child sex sting nets former workers from Disney, SeaWorld and Universal Studios  It is no surprise that pedophiles would find a job where children are the majority.

We do have a plan if the Supremes rule against Obamacare.




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