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I hope these liberals, Greenwald and Taibbi are given the credit they deserve for excoriating the media for their part in this. I think much blame should also be shared by FISA court judges who apparently asked no questions. The Inspector General’s Report on 2016 FBI Spying Reveals a Scandal of Historic Magnitude: Not Only for the FBI but Also the U.S. Media.  I sent this one from Taibbi in the last newsletter, if you didn’t read it then, here is a second chance.

With all that hoorah about Weinstein, the courts actions prove there is a different justice for the rich.

I want those who lied about Trump and caused so much discord in our nation and world called to account and forced to testify to the senate.  Some might call it revenge, but it is the only way many liberals will ever believe the truth.

Richard Jewell Is Eastwood’s History of the Future I haven’t seen the movie but I remember what happened very well.

Eric Holder has the nerve to declare Attorney General Barr as unfit for office.
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Pelosi and Schiff are both connected to a Ukrainian Arms dealer.

Only one instance of CNN proving Hell has frozen over.

The question I keep asking, “What About the FISA Court?”  Shouldn’t the members also be called to account?

And here is the feel good story of the day. Abandoned as a newborn and called ‘dumpster baby,’ he’s now an entrepreneur worth millions

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