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Have we all got Georgia on our Mind?

Caught On Camera: Republicans Were Told To Leave Georgia Counting Rooms At 10:30pm Only To Have Democrats Return At Midnight…

Georgia GOP Chair: Fulton Country Rescanning 12,000 Ballots Due To ‘Unexplained Technical Problems’ But I thought their machines disappeared, were wiped or gone or not available.  So what are they rescanning?

Things Get Heated As Georgia Investigations Uncover Shady Officials

Voter Group in Georgia Has Identified More than 50,000 Illegal Votes – Enough Votes to Move Georgia to Trump Column

I am so tired of this fraudulent election.  And yet, hope springs eternal, and not just in me. Sidney Powell’s Election Lawsuit in Georgia Gets Expedited Appeal God bless this woman.

Thousands of Ballots Were Scanned Numerous Times in Dominion Machines: Contractor Witness

Should people who recovered from COVID get vaccinated? Covid-19 reinfections are thought to be rare, but if natural antibody levels wane over time, it may be possible for a person to become infected more than once. Oh, you mean like the yearly flu shot, maybe?
It has given hope to the ED patients free viagra 100mg buying here to overcome their condition. buy cheap levitra Per the latest research, among every five males, there are three hormones that the Clomid are designed to work on. In fact, women were forced to ask whether female arousal disorder is more important than men’s. viagra samples The official said, “It would be helpful if we could get cars off the track or do things to make sure we tried to get everybody out of the shop viagra online grandstands,” Klima said. “We have had a coupe of instances where we have stopped competition for weather.
Supreme Court sides with church challenging Calif.’s COVID-19 restrictions This was a given considering they did the same before.

Sidney Powell Files Suit in Wisconsin to Block State From Certifying Results This lady is laying her life’s work on the line to defeat the fraudulent election of Biden.

Feds Sue NY Town Over Anti-Semitic Zoning Laws…

WHO’S READY FOR PRESIDENT JOE BREZHNEV? Biden’s Brezhnev vibes. This is from the Spectator but it is behind a paywall so you get the Ed Driscoll version from Instapundit.

Unearthed secrets detail how Hillary Clinton allies boosted Christopher Steele’s access to FBI  Is this where the sedition began?  Probably not, probably just a stop point on the way.

Was this the last column from Walter E. Williams?  The Tragedy of Black Education is New

Tributes to Walter Williams:       Thomas Sowell  Mark Alexander  Lawrence Person  Ken Blackwell  Jimmy Sengenberger

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