Now we Know Why They Don’t Get It

From Ace of Spades
Behavior of politicians explained – Botox use produces “cognitive blindness”
—Purple Avenger

Are your politicians tone deaf? Exhibiting a “cognitive blindness”? Displaying an apparent inability to read the emotions of others?

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..tamping down a person’s emotions seems to interfere with the ability to read emotions in others. Says study leader David Havas: “Botox [also] induces a kind of mild, temporary cognitive blindness to information in the world, social information about the emotions of other people” ..

Well, this goes a long way towards explaining why much of congress, Hollywood, and the media seem shockingly disconnected from reality. I realize they’d all love to blame Bush for their insensate behavior, but folks, it really is the Botox; you need to back away from the makeovers and reclaim your minds. Do it for the children.

Go here to see Purple Avenger’s billboard of Nancy Pelosi.

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One Response to Now we Know Why They Don’t Get It

  1. tt says:

    That explains a lot.

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