Tea Partiers are Us

I have read Bill Whittle for a few years now.  When he joined Pajamas Media I was disappointed that most of his works were done with PJTV and my broadband speed is a little too slow for watching any whole programs.  He still does some of his Eject!Eject! Eject! posts at that blog so occasionally I get to read some of his good work.  I would suggest you read this one, it goes along pretty much with all our thinking, and then read some of his archived work.  It.is.good.  Here is the latest, sent to me by Rockport Conservative writer Dolley Doright. 

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There is a concerted effort afoot on the part of big-state socialists to paint the Tea Party as a bunch of dangerous, hate-filled radicals with a bunch of crazy new ideas that go far beyond the pale of the traditional American political mainstream.
Let’s ask some reasonable men – because the Founding Fathers were surely the largest collection of reasonable men ever gathered in one place at one time in history – what they thought about the issues raised by the Tea Party movement.
For instance, what did they think of a powerful central government?

At this point go to the Pajamas Media site and read it all.

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