I wonder if the Islamic Senior Centers cannot allow Thanks before Meals

I’m sure they must have some. In Georgia they are concerned over the senior citizens praying to God in thanks for their meals. via Lucianne:

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from WSBTV.com
PORT WENTWORTH, Ga. — Preston Blackwelder proudly showed off a painting of his grandmother that had hung next to the front door of his Port Wentworth home.
She was the woman who led him to God, Blackwelder said Friday.
And with that firm religious footing, Blackwelder said it would be preposterous to stop praying before meals at Port Wentworth’s Ed Young Senior Citizens Center near Savannah because of a federal guideline.
“She would say pray anyway,” Blackwelder said of his grandmother. “She’d say don’t listen.”
But Senior Citizens Inc. officials said Friday the meals they are contracted by the city to provide to Ed Young visitors are mostly covered with federal money, which ushers in the burden of separating church and state.
On Thursday, the usual open prayer before meals at the center was traded in for a moment of silence.

I suspect this will be overruled but in the meantime there are some confused and hurting elderly in Georgia.  Read more here.

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