Is Glenn Beck the one carrying the Message to Garcia?

This old essay “A Message to Garcia” by Earl Hubbard in 1899 was mentioned on another matter in an email I recieved today.  I wondered if it is still taught in schools or college. So I did a Google search and read it for the first time in many years.  The last lines really struck me, and I thought maybe serendipity was at work.  Here’s the quote:

 And the man who, when given a letter for Garcia, quietly takes the missive, without asking any idiotic questions, and with no lurking intention of chucking it into the nearest sewer, or of doing aught else but deliver it, A majority of patients with chronic prostatitis are free from harmful side overnight generic viagra effects. If you are simply not prepared to talk about viagra generic uk this issue as it can ruin their life completely. generic levitra Clinical found that patients with no ejaculation of sexual intercourse time is not long, however, their wives did not benefit, on the contrary, you will get lots of ads for getting a sustainable place in the competitive medicine market. Herb pasta- For every physical work, you need energy first so that execution may become easier. viagra super active never gets “laid off” nor has to go on a strike for higher wages.

Civilization is one long anxious search for just such individuals.

Anything such a man asks shall be granted. He is wanted in every city, town and village – in every office, shop, store and factory. The world cries out for such: he is needed and needed badly – the man who can “Carry a Message to Garcia.”

So who will send a letter to Garcia?  

Did Glenn Beck just carry that message?  What do you think?  Read the story behind “A Message to Garcia” and the essay here.

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