Some of our Educators need to be Re-educated

Possibly some of the teachers need to have a re-indoctrination. Arnold Ahlert in Jewish World Review tells it this way:

Taking Back Our Country, One School At a Time
Despite the ridiculous levels of cover the mainstream media have given the Obama administration and the Democrat party’s assortment of progressivist hacks, more and more Americans are coming to realize the level of contempt so many of these people have for our country. Yet far fewer Americans make the ultimate connection: such contempt is an acquired skill. One must be taught to believe America is a fundamentally broken nation requiring a top-to-bottom make-over. And where are they taught such things? In thousands of public schools around the nation. As a first-generation university student, you have more fun, too! Natural cures for erectile dysfunction to have prescription viagra cost . cialis is a medicine which is also known as a generic form of it. cheap cialis, such as Kamagra Tablets, contain identical active ingredients and have the same results. These buying levitra lessons are also a must for people between the ages of 15-17. Liver cells persistently produce bile, and it sends through the net of the bile ducts into the duodenum; the first part of get viagra in canada the small intestine. Men’s sildenafil side effects ability to control ejaculation is acquired by the acquired, often poor in their first sexual activities. Latest case in point: Denair Middle School in California.
Americans have long understood that college campuses are hotbeds of progressive radicalism.
What they might not realize is that those same campuses are nothing more than finishing schools for a process which, as Denair Middle School makes evident, begins far earlier. Day in day out, year after year, millions of children are being taught that America is a seething cauldron of racial unrest, an imperialist country with a “heartless” capitalist economic system, and an environmental “hog” consuming far too many resources. They are being given the message, both overtly and subliminally, that America is one big mess of a country.

Read it all here.

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