Links and Comments

The Democrats have a scheme to bypass the Electoral College, and they are well on their way to doing so. The Constitution provides that America’s state-by-state presidential election system cannot be changed without the consent of three-quarters (38) of the states. The NPV, Ross notes, “seeks an end run around this process. It wants states to sign a simple interstate compact instead.”

The left now has a MeToo problem with Martin Luther King. Jr.  I’m not sure I believe the rape accusation as those of us of a certain age remember how much LBJ hated MLK and how much control he had over the FBI.  I agree with the author of this piece who writes, “It’s been a long, slow, time coming, but they’re probably out to get rid of him from the history books too in favor of someone more “woke.”  Update: Rush reported these investigations were started by RFK, I know LBJ continued them.

New IRS Documents Show Lerner Did Not Need Conservative Group Donor Lists – Emails Mention “Secret Research Project” by Top IRS OfficialDocuments also reveal that 75% of targeted non-profit groups were conservative, just 5% were liberal.”

The New York Times which has in the past exposed many government secrets suddenly is very concerned that Attorney General Barr might do the same.  It’s all about getting Trump.

Which leads right into this article. The Real Constitutional Crisis “What happens when one party rejects the idea of fair play? And this now leads to this, Time to Pay the Piper.

The Hoax and Due Diligence Hoaxes should be the word here, how many have there been?  How many do we know of in our lifetime?  I’m afraid to start counting them up.

This declares the Russian Hoax as an act of war declared by Obama tying for a coup, not a hoax. I agree.

Is Saving Thousands of Migrants from Drowning at Sea Virtue or Cruelty? From Richard Fernandez who sees the world issues clearly. I think we can also equate this with saving people from dying in the desert, human sex trafficking, deaths from drugs that came across the border, and the well dressed “migrants” arriving at the border with their paid for smartphones.  Or the children who have died of disease after being drug 2000 miles by the parents or whomever it is who has brought them to the border.

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Rep. Chip Roy won’t object to disaster aid package today, but others may  Yes, it has happened again.

Sharing info on potential sponsors of unaccompanied children stalled border funding Human trafficking must be stopped.  Surely the Democrats know this is one way they do it.

900 Churches in Nigeria Destroyed by Boko Haram  Boko Haram’s war on followers of Christ, which started in 2009, continues in full force.

There are three states in which a dollar is actually worth a dollar, in today’s money. See where yours stands.

I never pass up a chance to link to Victor Davis Hanson. Colluders, Obstructionists, Leakers, and Other Projectionists

Federal Transportation Officials Launch Probe of Chick-Fil-A Bans

Yesterday when I tried to open a trusted, by me, conservative site, Foxfire would not open it because it was deemed a security risk.  I have noticed my blog also has an unsafe symbol.  Has anyone noticed they could not open it?  Rockport Conservatives   This is the site that would not open yesterday Obama Administration’s Snooping on Journalists’ Phone Records Broader Than Previously Known  Today I can open in Foxfire.

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