Links and Commets

Left-Wing Groups And Long-Time Activists Reportedly Trained Anti-Israel Protesters For Months

Democrats, Liberal Media Suddenly Discover Soros & Co. Are Funding Radical Left Causes Dragging Biden Down They finally got a clue, not really, I’m sure they’ve known all along.

Federal government working with left-wing groups to implement ‘Bidenbucks’: public records show

Hamas says it has accepted Egypt; Qatar brokered cease-fire proposal

Yesterday was Holocaust Remembrance Day: “Never Again is now” Those of us who are elderly remember WWII and what happened to the Jews.

Read the Indictment Against Henry Cuellar to Understand Why Congress Never Challenges the Intelligence CommunityApproximately a few weeks after Cuellar was openly and strongly criticizing Biden, FBI agents raided his home

Trump Company Comptroller Testifies He Alone Determined to Classify Cohen Payment as “Legal Expense” Never Had Conversation with President Trump About It  Newt Gingrich believes they will put him in jail eventually.

“Guillotine! Guillotine! Guillotine!”: GW Protesters Call for the Heads of President and Others to be Cut OffFor years, I have written about the analogy of what is happening on our campuses to the French Revolution, including faculty enablers becoming the targets of radical groups […] Now the analogy has become even more poignant on my campus of George Washington University after protesters held mock tribunals and called for the heads of the President, Provost, and Board of Trustees to be cut off by guillotine.”   Jonathan Turley

More from Turley: A Disbarred, Serial Perjurer Walks into a Court and Asks to Take an Oath…Seriously, No Joke

REVEALED: Bragg’s Top Prosecutor Matthew Colangelo – A Former DOJ Official Biden Sent to NY to Take Down Trump – Was Paid By DNC for ‘Political Consulting’

Documents reveal Biden’s pressure campaign to censor Facebook, YouTube, Amazon

Human Trafficking Evidence in Chicago Migrant Facility

Trump Isn’t the Only One Silenced at His Trial

Report: Biden Halted Ammo Shipment to Israel to Pressure Against Invading Rafah, As Hamas Fires Rockets … From Rafah

The Biden administration’s Hispanic chain gang  “In the shadows of our nation, a grim reality persists. Tens of thousands of Hispanic migrant children in the U.S. have fallen prey to the depraved clutches of human traffickers, their futures sold for profit and power in a $150 billion-a-year industry, with an administration complicit in putting them in what amounts to chains of modern-day slavery.”

Prepare for Mass Hysteria and Exile!  “A few weeks ago, I had dinner with a few couples, friends of friends, all American. All were well-educated and successful in careers. They seemed great! On the surface. For like an hour. But slowly, over a few drinks, they began to let slip their true MAGA natures….”  Oh, the horror she must have felt, these elite, educated people were MAGA!

Brainwashing campus activists starts long before college I’ve been ranting about this for over a decade.

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