The SEIU Wants to Stop Our Tea Parties

No surprise there. They are, however, trying to keep it quiet they are they ones behind that move.
From Gateway Pundits:

The progressives are not just trying to split the tea party movement from the Republican Party, they’re also trying to legitimize and destroy the tea party movement itself.

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This website recently popped up on the internet:
Our Mission: To prevent the Tea Party’s dangerous ideas from gaining legislative traction.
Lee Doren did his research and found out who is behind this anti-freedom website:
I just came across a new website titled:

It is paid for by the American Public Policy Committee. Well, according to, the two donors for American Public Policy Committee this year are Patriot Majority and Patriot Majority West.  

However, according to, the 2nd largest contributor in 2008 to Patriot Majority was SEIU and other top Unions around America.

It figures. When the SEIU is not out cracking heads and stomping on tea party vendors they’re working on other ways to destroy the tea party movement. They will do anything to force their radical agenda on America.

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