This is a Scary Thought – Justice Obama

By Jeffrey Rosen in the Washington Post:
Supreme Court Justice Barack Obama?

He’s too detached and cerebral . Too deferential to Congress. Too willing to compromise . And he’s too much of a law professor and not enough of a commander in chief, as Sarah Palin recently admonished.

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These are some of the qualities for which the president, rightly or wrongly, is criticized. They are also the qualities that make him well suited for another steady job on the federal payroll: Barack Obama, Supreme Court justice.
Think about it. Though Obama has struggled to find his footing in the White House, his education, temperament and experience make him ideally suited to lead the liberal wing of the court, especially at a time when a narrow conservative majority seems increasingly intent on challenging progressive economic reforms for the first time since the New Deal. Obama is clearly eager to take on the four truly conservative justices — Samuel Alito, John Roberts, Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas — as his State of the Union smackdown suggests. But as president, he’s constrained by that pesky separation of powers. So what better way to engage the fight than to join the bench? …
…..Obama’s academic credentials for the court — including serving as president of the Harvard Law Review and teaching constitutional law at the University of Chicago — are obvious. But it’s his even temperament and low boiling point that seem tailor-made for the court at this polarized moment.
Rosen just rambles on and on about Obama’s credentials, personality traits, etc. etc. It is a scary scenario, but not one I think will ever happen. Read it all if you must.

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2 Responses to This is a Scary Thought – Justice Obama

  1. Rockport Conservative says:

    That is one thing that makes it so scary, it is possible.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Hum…John Quincy Adams became a Supreme Court Justice after his presidency…didn't he?

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