Links for a Busy Day

I have not had time to do more than check email today.  So…. you have a treat.
Jim Little has sent me a lot of emails with links and I am listing some of them here. I haven’t had time to read most of them but I hope  you will enjoy them.

This one is mine from Michael Yon The Scent of Weakness

This is from Don Durand
Department of Education buys shotguns
The Department of Education has placed an official request for bids to fill an order of 27 tactical shotguns. Older people have cialis generika a higher risk of blindness, and a higher risk of depression. viagra sales in india SafeWay Driving centers provide an opportunity to learn in a fun environment and offers its learners the best drivers ed in Texas. The lab buy cialis pharmacy tests, and diagnostic imaging tests such as X-rays, CT scans, MRI are typically normal. Birds can try to eat portions of these forms of fruit so very long as cialis online online it is lower away from the seeds or core.
That’s not a typo, the Department of Education is buying riot shotguns.

This is from a friend in Oklahoma.

That should be enough for a while.  I will be back on  sometime this afternoon.

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