Lead Paint!!!??? Were you aware of this?

From Neo-Neocon

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It may have slipped under your radar screen, as it almost did mine. But I was talking to a friend who owns a small home remodeling business and he reminded me that on April 22 (Earth Day!) new EPA regulations go into effect that could take down many a small contractor.
It’s all about the rules on lead paint removal, which heretofore had been enforced only for work on homes that were old enough to have lead paint and in which small children or pregnant women (the populations at risk) resided. But that’s not good enough for our nanny state; oh no. Now the rules will apply to work done on any home built before 1978, eliminating the previous sensible escape hatch whereby a homeowner could opt out of the regulations if there were no at-risk individuals living in the house.

It’s funny how some of us thought the Congress wrote the laws.  Read it all here.

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