A Day Late and a Dollar short

Something like this may be where the old adage comes from.  From the Heritage Foundation’s Morning Bell:

Once you will start buy levitra to use right style of waste elimination, you can feel the effect of this drug for about 6 hours, enough for a happy lovemaking session. Some may say that a long-term solution to erectile dysfunction cialis canadian is curable. Infertility was seen as only a female problem in earlier times, but as couples are opening viagra tabs up more, males are getting diagnosed with infertility at an alarming rate. It should be taken at least an hour before sildenafil bulk intercourse.

Today President Barack Obama’s National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform will convene for the first time at the White House. Tasked with making recommendations to Congress that would put the budget in primary balance by 2015 and “meaningfully improve” our nation’s long-term fiscal outlook, the commission meets a little over a month after Congress approved a new $2.5 trillion health care entitlement that the Obama administration now confirms will increase our nation’s total health care spending.
Read it all here. It is the definition of irony.

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