Tell me again, just who is it that "Just doesn’t get it?"

Yes, we are definitely the great unwashed and uninformed out here. This is from CNS via

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By Christopher Neefus
Americans are growing skeptical about the threat of global warming because “they don’t get” the complex information that scientists deliver, according to Rep. Emanuel Cleaver (D-Mo.).
Unless scientists can simplify their arguments to the level of newspapers that “print at the sixth grade level,” Cleaver said, the public is “going to get a headache and bail out.”
Cleaver made his comments to a panel of scientists on Capitol Hill at a hearing last Thursday of the House Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming.

I hope someone makes this guy apologize, but even if he did it wouldn’t be his true feelings, we know what they are.  He thinks we are stupid, gullible plebians.

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