CNN Needs to be Renamed CYA

Because that’s what they do. Cover people’s ass. Specifically liberals who screw up. They finally did a story on NASA’s mission of manned exploration of Muslim outreach. And, as you’ll see, they spend most of the story covering Whitehouse ass. That’s right. Of those horses that underwent clinical examination for lameness, Thermal Imaging again getting prescription for viagra correctly predicted the site of the injury in 95% of cases. Among the standard therapeutic techniques are:- Dental splint, a dental appliance placed in the mouth keeping the teeth in alignment cialis generic order and prevents tooth grinding. buy canada levitra I’ve sampled the first two and they are designed with the goal of mimicking the form and function of the spine’s natural disc. As men age prostate viagra prescriptions gland grows in size . CNN covers the news… mainly in the form of covering Obama’s ass. (CYA).

They do it again here in the story of the Shirley Sherrod from the Dept of Agriculture. The CNN story is very long — and more than half of it is allowing Sherrod and others to cover her ass. No conservative ever gets so much positive news page real estate.

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