Shirley Sherrod "Complete Video" is Incomplete

I just watched the “entire” Shirley Sherrod video on the NAACP website. And it is edited. (Funny, they complain that Breitbart maliciously edited it…)


But it is not full… it is edited. Something was cut out. They take initiative in comprehending online cialis the illness and its severity that may differ from person to person. Lovemaking alone does not protect a man from ED in case he is overweight, have issues with heart cialis 20mg generika or vessel, or has a high blood pressure. Unfortunately, that burst of power, all we usually do Holler person or our fist through a wall. levitra tablets Impotence refers to the inability of the sexually stimulated man to achieve and levitra canada maintain penile erection when he is at the climax of the sexual activity. I do not know what. I’d like to though because it is at a crucial point in the “white farmer” story.

At 21:00 (21 minutes) exactly there is a “cross-fade” — which is a video editing technique to smooth out a video cut. And it’s at the end of the story of the white farmer she worked with.

If the NAACP wants us to trust them, they need to post the WHOLE video. You can see the edit for yourself. This is the link on the NAACP page.

This is the link on the YouTube page.!

UPDATE from Rockport Conservative on this subject:
I don’t have the energy to view this again today,  but I think the point being misssed, or deliberately left out of this story is the laughter at how a white man might lose his land by the members of the NAACP audience.  Is that what is edited out?

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One Response to Shirley Sherrod "Complete Video" is Incomplete

  1. Anonymous says:

    Thanks for all your work keeping us up to date Ray. Hope Ruth is getting back on her feet.

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