I know I’m a couple of days early on this but I had an online discussion with someone about how to memorialize the day.  We had discussed having a sign at the local memorial for our Tea Party at our meeting last night. The individual who was going to make the sign decided it was too solemn an occasion to have such a sign, even just a simple one with our logo, that it would be disrespectful.  She is right. This is way beyond politics. We should all be there; we should all be respectful, we should remember as well as we remember Pearl Harbor. (and I am old enough to do so)

But in my heart of hearts I am hoping someone will be there with a sign that says NEVER FORGET.  Maybe the firemen will do it. Here in Rockport it is a volunteer fire department.  That is where the memorial is being held, Sunday, the 11th at 11 AM.  To me that is reminiscent of the Armistice Day of my youth.  Maybe for this we need little red firemen’s hats instead of the poppies on November 11th.  Of course we know it was not just firemen but policemen, clergy and emergency helpers of all types.


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