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We need to see the D’Sousa prosecution files, while I have no doubt they were politically motivated, seeing the files would be a bonus.

Liberals see anything that is not a slam on Trump as Fake News.

The Obama administration spent $77million to hype Obamacare in 2016.

We do need less law enforcement  in some areas. however, they would sometimes need to be armed.  I’m not sure what should happen here Utah Republican Congressman Jason Chaffetz has introduced two bills to remove police powers from the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and the U.S Forest Service. The law enforcement responsibilities would then be transferred on to local sheriffs.

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“I Had Dinner With the Afghan Ambassador. What He Said About the Differences Between Trump, Obama Is Stunning” From Ann Althouse blog.

The man with extreme credentials to assess whether AGW is real recently wrote a letter to President Donald Trump explaining, briefly and cogently, why he and many other scientists are skeptical of the catastrophic anthropogenic global warming theory

A Saturday Night Live sketch that actually favors Trump.  From Bookworm Room blog.

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