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The leaker of the Michael Cohen legal documents faces possible criminal charges, that is in a just world.

I am just tired of hearing all this spy vs all of us, I am so sickened by what has happened to our country.   I wonder how long the deep state has been in charge.  I’m beginning to think of conspiracy theories as being correct.  Will we ever know how far back it goes.  Sharyl Attkinson asked that question yesterday.” I think there’s a major fallacy in focusing on the 2016 election without understanding the bigger part of the picture: *why* bad actors in intel community were so desperate to not have Trump elected. It’s about what could be discovered about the past 10-20 years. Not just 2016”  She also wrote about being surveilled by the same ones who spied on Trump.

Devin Nunes describes DOJ leak trap he and Trey Gowdy avoided.  I saw this interview yesterday and Rush discussed it today.

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Mueller is shown more and more to be an evil, vengeful man.

The Hunter Becomes the Hunted

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