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Facebook has banned Brandon Stroka, founder of the Walkaway campaign, just as they are starting the ramp up to a March on Washington.  I have watched this group grown from a few thousand to hundreds of thousands of former liberals walking away from the left.

Alvin ISD reevaluating ban on boys wearing makeup  My first instinct was to say this is silly, but then I think, what’s the difference? Girls are not born with made up faces. If the industry wants to expand, why not? Male birds are much more glamorous than females, most mammals have males that have some distinguishing features, a male lion has a mane, why is it different in humans. Did we somehow turn nature upside down? I often notice as I go into a store how much the human female requires for maintenance. Much more and colorful clothing, shoes of all varieties, and the makeup counters, aisles and aisles of them. Why? Just my musings. It is what it is, but it isn’t what it used to be.

It’s hard to believe but AP has finally fact checked Obama on something.

If you haven’t seen the Google video showing their reaction to Trump’s election, you can see it here, or just read about it.

How brave they aren’t, the budget agreement goes through Dec. 7.

I hope this is true, Former US Attorney Joe DiGenova went on WMAL radio on Monday to discuss the latest developments in the Obama Spygate scandal.

How Russia is delivering missile systems around the globe to drive wedge between U.S., key allies
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The Democrats have their people in the governors offices, trying to trump Trump.

Snopes tries, but they cannot say these are not true about Trumps good works.  Thanks to Jim Van Gilder for sending me an email on this.

Demonization of Nunes Is a Window Into Our Times  from Victor Davis Hanson.

Trailblazing female who became infantry Marine is getting kicked out for fraternization  I’m not sure how I feel about this. Should there be a lessening of the fraternization rules?  I’ve been a female for 81 years, but I’ve never been a marine or in any other military service.



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