Links and Comments

Happy Independence Day, Happy 4th of July!

I will probably not be posting again until the celebration is over.  Our family is planning what has turned into a great reunion. I have family coming in today and by Thursday we plan to have 44 or more in town to have dinner and fun at my house.  See you later!

On that Census question.  As one who does genealogy, I’ve wondered why that question stopped being asked.  I know many of my tribe waited expectantly as each new decade was released to be searched for where our ancestors were, when did they come, when were they naturalized?  Pity the genealogist of the next generations, where will they find those answers.

Antifa Mob Viciously Assaults Journalist Andy Ngo at Portland Rally

Living in an Age of Hate and then there is this to confirm it: New Angle Shows Antifa Thugs Who Battered Reporter Andy Ngo Were PREPARED FOR BATTLE — WORE ASSAULT GLOVES during Beating

Every time I see a link to Snopes I judge the person who linked it to be a liberal.  I do not trust the fact checkers.  They are correct at times, but many times they say false but if you read their reasoning it is true but…. And they find a way to call it false.

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There are a number of good links on the weekend happenings at Hot Air.  Instead of linking so many separately I suggest you go there and peruse the page.

I’ve been searching online for a mainstream media story on the NGO beating, I haven’t found one. The closest to it is the Washington Times which Facebook will be happy to tell you is a conservative site.  This came from a conservative site as well.  Elderly Man Beaten With Crowbar, Another Has Head Split Open By Antifa While Trying To Help ‘Gay Man In Sundress’

These 8 Graphics Explain How Bad the Illegal Immigration Crisis Really Is

Kamala Harris is taking big bucks from the Hugh Hefner fortune while saying Trump has “denigrated and demeaned women.” The woman has no shame, or maybe she is just not smart.  I’m sure she knows how the Hefner fortune was made.

Wow!  This takes a brave man. Óscar Martínez drowning: El Salvador takes blame

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