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ISIS video found on phone of airline mechanic accused of sabotaging airplane in Miami  Remember when he said he only wanted overtime?  I doubted his motive then and this confirms his evil intentions.

Wrong Again: 50 Years of Failed Eco-pocalyptic Predictions

John Hopkins Psychiatrist: ‘Gender Confusions Are Mostly Driven by Psychological and Psychosocial Problems’

Bookworm says: Stephen Colbert echoes my claim that socialized medicine is like public school *UPDATED*

CNN: Everything but the News Victor Davis Hanson explains his view of this vile network. His views are the same as many of us have, but he explains the swift fall of their reporting, and the actual admission of the owner and his trying to work to first help and then defeat Trump.

Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg has had “enough” with the “intolerance” on college campuses.

Did FBI and CIA have an agent provocateur who tried to entrap the Trump Organization in a Russia deal?

Probable Side Effects in males Accutane is a form of viagra online for sale vitamin A. This men’s health medicine cheap viagra pill works for brain. Some of lowest price cialis the patients used to get instant erection. The reliable Kamagra generic india viagra suppliers in the UK offer complete information about the drug, its dosage, safety tips and precaution. Doomsdays that didn’t happen: Think tank compiles decades’ worth of dire climate predictions

Analyzing The Drone And Cruise Missile Attacks On Saudi Oil Facilities:

Venezuela Quietly Loosens Grip on Market, Tempering Economic Crisis. This is behind a pay wall, if you cannot access it, here is the discussion on it on Instapundit (by Stephen Green).

I am nor surprised at this, I don’t think you will be either.  ‘I Basically Just Made It Up’: Confessions of a Social Constructionist  We also get things like this on some posts, copied exactly: A member of Whatever Group shared content that’s been rated False by Learn more about how fact-checking works on Facebook.

Google and Its Pals Are Worse than Anyone Thought  Believe me it’s true. I am on Facebook, many conservatives are sent to Facebook jail for “inappropriate content” which can mean anti- progressives, anti-Clinton, anti-terrorism or anything that might seem pro-Israel, strict constructionists, or anything the Facebook monitors consider out of their liking.

However, Mark Zuckerberg is all about this: If you are Muslim, ‘we will fight to protect your rights’

I agree with this. I think he succumbed to something like blackmail on the ACA decision. John Roberts is Culpable in the Kavanaugh Attacks

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