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Some teachers deserve to be fired, this one said this to a classroom full of students: The Secret Service is Investigating a Community Leader’s Announcement That Mike Pence ‘Should be Shot in the Head.’

Over A Hundred People Are Arrested In A Central Ohio Sex And Human Trafficking Sting  From the article: But men weren’t the only ones involved: Forty-three women were arrested for selling it.

I may have overdone this yesterday – Yup-Looks Like That Big Anti-Trump, Whistleblower Story Was All Smoke And Mirrors but apparently our brightest minds have not gone into journalism. Maybe I’m being too harsh, but probably not. Is this going to be like the Clinton emails?  Hit out on the Republicans do NOT question the Biden.

New Rambo movie tells the brutal truth about Mexico People who do not live in a border state do not seem to realize the problems.

I’ve seen this man’s words posted on Facebook but they never had an attribution, now I know who to thank for saying it so clearly, Australian Broadcaster Takes Down the Spoiled Climate Protesting Students In Epic Fashion. “It says this: To all the school kids going on strike for climate change, you’re the first generation who have required air conditioning in every room. You want TV in every room, and your classes are all computerized. You spend all day and night on electronic devices,” said Jones

“More than ever, you don’t walk or ride bikes to school,” he continued, “but you arrive in caravans of private cars that choke suburban roads and worsen rush hour traffic.”

“You’re the biggest consumer of manufactured goods ever, and update perfectly good expensive luxury items to stay trendy,” said Jones. “Your entertainment comes from electric devices. Furthermore, the people driving your protests are the same people who insist on artificially inflating the population growth through immigration which increases the need for energy, manufacturing and transport.”

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It was here that the letter writer proposed a solution, and Jones read it with clear satisfaction.

“How about this,” said Jones, “tell your teacher to turn off the air-con, walk or ride to school, switch off your devices and read a book, make a sandwich instead of buying manufactured fast food.”

“But none of this will happen because, the piece says, you’re selfish, badly educated, virtue-signaling little turds inspired by the adults around you who crave a feeling of having a noble cause while they indulge themselves in western luxury and unprecedented quality of life. The piece ends by saying wake up, grow up, and shut up until you’re sure of the facts before protesting.”

Democrats as a protection racket? Ed Buck makes it a trifecta  Kennedys, Clinton, Epstein, Podesta, many names come to mind.

Exposing Junk Science.   There have been many times in the history of science where the thought police prevailed, but in the end, truth always won out.

From Ed Driscoll on Instapundit: WE’VE DESCENDED INTO SOME SORT OF BIZARRE HELL-WORLD IN WHICH SLATE IS A VOICE OF SANITY: Democratic Candidates Are Misrepresenting Michael Brown’s Death.

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