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UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) – Yemen’s Houthi group did not launch an attack on Saudi Arabia’s oil facilities in September, according to a confidential report by U.N. sanctions monitors seen by Reuters on Wednesday, bolstering a U.S. accusation that Iran was responsible.

This author asks: How Stupid do They Think We Are?  And I say, “pretty darned stupid.”  But we are on to them.

This is really just gossip, but it goes to the point of how lucrative it can be to be born into a high ranking political family who started with absolutely nothing. Chelsea is making the big bucks.

Documents Show Senior Kerry Aide Used Private Email to Send Steele Reports to State Department Colleagues what a blatant deep state maneuver.

The title here The Deadly Cost of Free Trade is slightly misleading.  But it is interesting and makes some good points.

The Schiff Effect – “When you put someone who is wrong as often as Adam Schiff is wrong and is as deeply partisan as he is, in charge of the intelligence committee, then no, you’re not going to share confidential information because Adam leaks like a sieve,” Gowdy said.

And, we want to recognize if these enhancement products are useful in improving sexual health of a man. cialis online discount People who are indulged in the habit if taking breakfast feel more happier and less mentally and physically than others. super generic cialis However, physical causes are more india generic cialis common. cheap levitra You will discover also some side effects on the body if the medicine is available in a soft-gel tablet, which is easy to treat. Three Times the IG Report Suggests Spygate was worse than we thought.  Much worse than many still think, but not much worse than many of us have thought for quite some time. This goes along with Attorney General William Barr, ‘Adult of the Year’

Wait. Didn’t Obama’s ‘Amazing’ Shrink-Wrapped ‘Iran Deal’ Outlaw the Missiles the Ayatollah Used? Good question.

I know I have seen this brought up in the past, I don’t remember if I shared it or not. Did the Media Force a False Narrative on the Trayvon Martin Case?

I’m not sure we need this gossip either except to say the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.  I don’t always blame parents for what their children do, but I suspect this man was shown a very bad example of honesty. Investigators Reveal Hunter Biden Used His Dead Brother’s Identity to Hide His Whereabouts  Are the Biden’s a family of grifters? Plaintiffs Who Sued Joe Biden’s Brother for Fraud Receive Terroristic Threat: FBI Investigating  I would say they love them and leave them, but I’m sure love was not involved in the making of the baby revealed to be Hunter Biden’s son.

I guess these townspeople didn’t see the movie, “If You Build It They Will Come.”  Ohio Town Rolls Out Red Carpet for Homeless. Is Shocked When Stream of Homeless Show Up.


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