Links and Comments

I have sent links to you and commented on the fact that modeling is not always accurate.  The old saying garbage in/garbage out is about modeling.  What you put into a computer is what it uses.  I have always felt this big scare is a way to stop the growth, stop the good times, stop Orange Man Bad. I’m not saying the covid19 virus is not a problem, but I have believed it is not worse than the seasonal flu.  Both are killers to the vulnerable.

Rush has been talking on his program about the same thing. Our president has said many times in his briefings, New York and middle America are not the same.  We shouldn’t compare what is happening in NY with what will happen in small towns that do not have the same number of people or people who travel all around the US and the world. Most small towns do not have towered apartment buildings for their homes. We are not crowded here in my town. Larger towns and cities may be.  Anyway, many are beginning to write and speak about what we have done to so many people in an attempt to save some, is not really doing them or the country (also world) any favors.

I posted this  on March 29th, PETER HITCHENS: There’s powerful evidence this Great Panic is foolish, yet our freedom is still broken and our economy crippled  I’m hoping I am way off on my dire prediction of a world wide depression.  I am not an economist nor a historian; I’m just a little old lady reading everything she can. And this on March 28th: We’ve been had, and Trump knows it  – the problem is how do we get out of this?  Even Dr. Fauci knows it now, whether he recognizes it for what it is or not, the article shows he knows the fact.  From a link in the article.

From what I am seeing now the MSM has realized what has happened and guess what?  No surprise who they will blame, President Trump!!

So finally this, from Red State, not MSM, and truthfully I haven’t perused their offerings yet today.  Analyst Discovers a Major Flaw in IHME Model Used by White House; Actual Numbers are a Fraction of Expected
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MSN came up with this: Experts, Trump’s advisers doubt White House’s 240,000 coronavirus deaths estimate  Apparently the man who wrote that hasn’t been watching those press briefings and what Dr. Fauci has to say.  Dr. Birx has been a little more guarded about modeling.  Then on ABC’s Nightline co-host Byron Pitts ended an interview with Vice President Mike Pence by asking him “not in a political way,” but whether he “talk[s] to God” about feeling remorse for Americans who have died “because of steps the federal government did not take soon enough.”  It is hard to believe such arrogance against a President or Vice President.  The hate runs deep in the media and Democrats.

Have I mentioned Biden’s actual sex abuse allegation?  If not, you might not have heard about it. BLACKOUT: TV News Is Silent on New Biden Sex Abuse Allegations  It doesn’t matter if there is a D after your name.

When 96 percent of spy warrants reviewed contain serious errors or omissions — that’s wholescale fraud, not a few little slip-ups.  FISA abuse is shameful.

President Trump Stands Tall Can you image where we would be with corona virus without Trump as President.  Sure I think there has been some over reactions, but when it come to real actions and getting things done, this man knows how.  He has the connections and knows what needs to be done and how to organize it.  He is a person who knows to hand the reins to the people who are driving the horses.

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