Links and Comments

The Yahoo news says the Beige Page is the new go to for conservatives.  There are many news gathering sites I visit so I guess I have been remiss because this is the first time I’ve even heard of it.  I go to Red State, Rantingly, Whatfinger, Drudge ( yes, still),  , and of course the old standby Instapundit.  I also have a number  of blogs and pages I keep up with through a news aggregate RSS feed, The old reader. I also get email updates from a number of other sites.  It is almost a full-time job and some weeks I have trouble keeping up. This past week has been one of those as I have my daughter visiting, but because we are pretty much homebound I still have had some time to read. Note: I am not complaining, what else would I be doing if I weren’t doing this?

The Troubling Ignorance of Our Lawmakers  I am also troubled by the ignorance of the voters who vote them in.

Remember the question of Obama’s citizenship?  I always considered him to be a natural born citizen since his mother was an American citizen.  Kamala Harris’ case is not so clear cut and there is a big question to be answered about her right to be president.

McConnell: Dems won’t allow ‘a penny’ in stimulus ‘unless Texas and Florida bail out New Jersey’  Does this make you as angry as it makes me?

Give me a break. Biden to Ensure His Presidency ‘Addresses the Unique Needs of…Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer Women’
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We see these type posed photos on Facebook all the time. Seldom do we get to see their booking photos showing the true face.

I hope Sarah Palin in Person will make a few appearances this election cycle, not just the “ghost of.”

 U.S. Air Force helicopter shot at in Virginia, forced to make emergency landing I hope the shooter is found and roundly punished.  Would it be treason to shoot at a military helicopter?

We Want Names! GOP Sen. Ron Johnson Says Committee Republicans Blocking Subpoenas For James Comey, John Brennan  Committee members: Johnson, Ron. WI. (not him), Portman, Rob. OH, Paul, Rand. KY (probably not), Lankford,, James. OK, Romney, Mitt. UT (okay, now I think I know), Scott, Rick. FL, Enzi, Michael B. WY,        Hawley, Josh. MO.

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