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FREEDOM or DEPENDENCY: YOUR CHOICE by Bill Strong, a long time educator, a long time friend, gifted me a copy of his new book.  I suggest you all get a copy to read.  Bill is older and smarter than me and has the credentials and resume to prove it.

Schumer Says He Had ‘Long And Serious Talk’ With Feinstein After She Embraced GOP Sen. Graham At Barrett Hearings In my real world I think the feminists would be all over this. Big Daddy want to tell her what to do and think?  Revolting.

This Is How the Left’s Power Structure Collapses We can hope so.

 Houston Police Sgt. Killed By Repeat Offender After Soros-Funded D.A. Refused to Press Charges  There are many Soros funded DA’s in the US, as far as I know, none of them are Republicans.

Rapper who sang about bilking unemployment is arrested for bilking unemployment This falls under the “don’t post a video of your bank robbery on twitter” label.

Secret Service Travel Records Confirm Hunter Biden Trips Detailed In Emails Those who don’t believe there are emails won’t believe in this either.

Newly Discovered Letter Shows Endocrine Society Urged Experimenting On Trans Children While the left goes around hating on Trump and calling him Hitler, the left are the one using his grisly techniques. In the meantime there is this: Biology Quiz at Gettysburg College Calls Donald Trump a ‘Eugenicist’ The Prof found a way to denigrate Trump with no real evidence.
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Could Weird Austin Go Red? Local GOP Says Dems Are Donating to Republicans in Record Numbers If this happens I will be completely shocked.

I just found this good news on Neocon: (2) I’ve been waiting for the release of Shelby Steele’s documentary “What Killed Michael Brown?” Amazon initially refused to stream it on its website, but it finally has relented, and it’s available here. The film was already available on Vimeo, here. The promo line is “When Truth Becomes a Lie & When a Lie Becomes Truth.” Oh yes, we know about that.

Jill Biden: ‘There Would Be No Separation of Families At The Border’ Under The Biden Admin… Someone should tell her it was the Obama-Biden administration that started the practice. I found this one at Weaslezippers.

Pope Francis Calls For Civil Unions For Homosexuals In Catholic Church… I’m not sue what to say about this. At least he didn’t call for church weddings. I am not a member of that church, so I’ll just say, “Not my Pope, not my people.”  (the homosexuals, that is) Is his concern mainly for children of these couples?

I do not read online or take the New York Times, so without this article I would not have know about this. 5 Big Problems With The New York Times Investigation Of Amy Coney Barrett’s Children

Another one for the “we can only hope” category.  A Few Cracks in the Progressive Wall Victor Davis Hanson

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