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Liberal Chicago Tribune: Biden* Is The Biggest Loser In Trump Impeachment Trial… The link to the original article is within the post.

More U.S. Military Troops Needed To Install Joe Biden Than We Have in Afghanistan When an election is so blatantly stolen the Democrats expect the Trump supporters to do what they did in 2016. – DC Worker Shows Video of Military Checkpoints in City (VIDEO) Language alert!  But the man makes a good point.

The Senate has released the report on the Biden’s.  A few months too late.

UPDATE: Antifa Activist Daniel Alan Baker Arrested for Plotting to Murder Trump Supporters — Tells Supporters on YouTube He Received Soros Money

CEO Accuses Political Left of Weaponizing Coronavirus to Vanquish Trump While Destroying Tens of Millions of Lives in the Process The CEO of Goya foods, but many have the same thoughts.  The Big Shift Continues, Narrative Now: ‘Lockdowns Have No Benefit’

Russia-gate Transcript Release: ‘Incompetent and Corrupt’ Investigation
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Did the Democrats Steal the Presidential Election?  Many liberals think this has been totally debunked, false and misinformation.  I do not.

Tallahassee Man Arrested For Inciting Violence At The Florida Capitol Building And then there is this. Judge Releases Left Wing Agitator John Sullivan Without Bail Against the Pleas of the Prosecutors

From Instapundit: ROGER SIMON: Should the Real ‘Resistance’ Start Now?

Freedom of expression and the left I have explained to some liberals who wanted to call us all Nazis, how that takes away from what Hitler actually did and lessens the history of how horrible the actions of the Nazi’s actually were.

Trump Receives Morocco’s Highest Award for Middle East Work: Official  “A prophet is not without honor except in his own country, among his own relatives, and in his own house.”  This is to be found in both books of the Bible, Matthew and Mark.  I have heard many people say they hated Trump because of what they believed he had done in NYC or what type of businessman he was.  At the same time, they were lauding Biden who was a liar, an accused rapist, a known groper of girls and women, a known plagiarist, and apparently taking money from China and whomever he could get it from.   In other words, they did not want to know because of their hatred of Trump.  Hatred that was in truth brought on solely because he won the election against their beloved Hillary.

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