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God works in mysterious ways, sometimes they are not so mysterious.  Lightning destroyed a George Floyd mural.  Now to get the rest of the memorials.  People take down statues to heroes, God took down this one.  Or something like that, Karma, maybe?

How long will they be arguing this? Arizona Senate President Says 2020 Election Audit’s Ballot Count Doesn’t Match Maricopa Tally

Russia’s most aggressive ransomware group disappeared. It’s unclear who made that happen. This may be behind their paywall but the headline says it all.  The article speculates on whether it was Biden’s threats, whether Putin acted, or whether they just got a little too much heat.

The Texas Republicans passed that voter ID bill in spite of the cowardly Democrats.

TWA 800: 25 Years of Deep State Deception a sickening story and one I believe as I remember those witnesses who were silenced at the time.  I wonder how the person or persons who caused this have lived their lives since this event. Were they ruined by conscience?  Did they understand how many they killed?  Have any committed suicide, have they been Epsteined?  Many questions need answered.

Fear our government, some elected officials, the DOJ and the bureaucrats. The Government’s Case Against a ‘White Supremacist’  What happened to the America we thought we knew? How long ago did it happen?
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‘The consequences are going to be unbelievably bad’: Bush slams Biden’s Afghanistan withdrawal You know he is right.

If you are Cuban or Haitian you are not welcome in America, I say maybe you can come through the border with Texas.

White House Occupant Delivers Angry Speech in Philadelphia Demanding All Resources Must Activate to Defend His Legitimacy

Alleged Iran kidnap plot complicates Biden diplomatic push  I doubt this is in any way relevant to the progressives plans.

This is a really big admission of where we actually get our energy. CA Governor SUSPENDS Green Energy to Fire Up Coal Plants

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