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Chris Wallace is betting on CNN’s new leadership. He may pick up some CNN viewers for a few shows, but I doubt they will find him any more likeable than he was on Fox.  He was one reason I no longer watched much news.

There are currently dozens of Trump supporters indefinitely detained without trial at the DC Gulag in Washington DC. Deputy Warden at DC Gulag Where Pro-Trump Political Prisoners Are Violently Beaten and Abused Deletes Twitter Page After She Is Exposed as Toxic Trump-Hater The corrupt DC judges will not allow these men to post bail and many are beaten and regularly abused by the DC prison guards.

What I’ve Learned Rescuing My Daughter From Her Transgender Fantasy The indoctrination of the LGBT?? Started very young.

Meteorologist responds with data after Joe Biden seemingly blames climate change for deadly tornados Joe Bastardi didn’t let a lie stand, he quoted real science, not scare science.

The Medical Profession Implodes There are still many honest physicians, they just seldom get called on by reporters.  Even as a Brazilian city cut COVID hospitalizations and deaths in half using ivermectin, US medical authorities continue to suppress its use

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Thousands of migrants traveling through Mexico clash with police

The Real Jesus — One; David French — Zero I don’t usually post something for the snark, but David French deserves this one.

Judicial Watch: Police Report Details Lawyer Turned in Ashley Biden Documents to Police on November 8, 2020 If none of us said we were thankful for Judicial Watch, or Project Veritas, we were not paying attention.  I didn’t.  I just thought I was paying attention. Without those two and their investigations there is much we would never know.

Leftism Is Destroying San Francisco, AP Concedes Why did it take them so long.

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