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I’ve seen this several places lately, but it is not widely known. Cesar Chavez Belonged to a Vanishing Breed: The Pro-Borders Left

Between the lines: A redistricting roundup report card

We all know the gay community is strong in the entertainment business, but this is out of hand. Disney Exec Admits Implementing ‘Not-at-All-Secret Gay Agenda’ in Children’s Programming In what other industry do the executives think everyone should be like them? And then of course there is advertising, and some of the shows I used to watch like House Hunters. Paying For Our Own DestructionYou turn on a TV for about 20 minutes and you’ll likely see a commercial with a gay or lesbian couple ordering food or buying something” and I add to this quote the comment that they will often be a mixed race couple, or just a minority couple, but in any of the couples, it is always virtue signaling.

Remember the Gibson’s Bakery Case? Appeals Court Upholds Gibson’s Bakery Massive Verdict Against Oberlin College

James Golden, aka Bo Snerdly, is as smart as his mentor, Rush Limbaugh. I wish he was doing the daily show. Bo Snerdley: I have questions about Disney Corporation injecting queerness into culture

We are paying this for the few actual transgenders out there. TSA’s scanner ‘inclusive’ upgrade for transgender passengers costs taxpayers $18.6 million

Oops! Another ‘walls closing in’ narrative about Trump hiding phone records with a 7-hour ‘gap’ falls apart It is amazing to me how some people can continue to be so blinded by hate. Especially when that hate was so drived by the MSM.

Will the Real Good Teachers Please Stand Up? We know many good teachers, it is a case of the squeaky wheel gets the grease for the few who are activists. They have tainted our students and our perception of teachers.  And then I run across this: Schools in Republican-led states are skirting laws banning CRT in public education, according to new investigative footage.

People Are Getting Tired of One-Way Tolerance And yet the loudest voices get the most coverage.

When will the covid craziness end? Judge Strikes Down NYC’s Toddler Mask Mandate, City Plans Appeal as COVID Rises Again

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