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Police Seize Voting Machine During Investigation Into 2020 Election Breaches

Texas Bar Foundation under investigation for allegedly encouraging, financing illegal immigration I say flippantly, they are looking for cheap nannies and house keepers.

Clarence Thomas warns Supreme Court can’t be ‘bullied’

Don’t Buy into SEL!  About educational fads.  I learned a long time ago when working with tutoring illiterate adults, that many people are getting doctorates while using our kids as their guinea pigs.

Liz Cheney Aided in GOP Primary by Ad Agency Linked to Biden, BLM, Planned Parenthood Remember the old saying, “you are known by the company you keep.”

It’s the End of the World as We Know It Or maybe not.  CNN Abortion Poll Backfires, Ultimately No Opinions Moved by SCOTUS Leak We all seem pretty set in our beliefs.  If you’ve ever met a person who was a 21 week preemie, who was perfectly normal would you think a fetus should be aborted at that stage.  If you’ve known of a baby who was seen by sonagram to have spina bifada, and you know that child is well, walks, even sings and dances at age 10, would you think it should have been aborted? Now, I know, and you know there are different stages of spina bifida, but sometimes what might seem to be a great problem is not. I have seen these babies, grown into healthy children.

Senator Pushes for Answers Following Reports of Taliban Using US Data to Kill Afghans

Report: Biden “livid” at leaks about U.S. intel assistance to Ukraine Some leaks matter, some leaks don’t.  At least not to the current administration. Psaki won’t condemn abortion protests at justices’ homes or leak of draft ruling

Congressman says watchdog found police entered his office for ‘criminal’ probe, not open door

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