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Pelosi’s Right. Wait … What?  It is the Patriot Post, they could be right.  It may be her first and only act of statesmanship.

Why The High Plains Turns Off Its turbines To Limit Wind Production While The Texas Power Grid Is Stressed

Three on the same subject. Why Are There So Many Idiots in Politics? | The Point of No Return | Everything Is Worse and You Are Just Supposed to Take It

No, NYT, The Difference Between Abortion And A Miscarriage Is Not The Mother’s Feelings The need for this answer shows how evil the opposition to pro-life movement is.  The difference is intent to kill and grief for loss of a wanted baby.

‘I impeached Bush twice’: Bumbling Nadler stumbles through debate opening Nadler could be in worse shape mentally than Biden.

There were primary elections yesterday: Trump’s endorsements triumph in last night’s primaries | Kari Lake Wins Nail-Biter in Arizona Despite Apparent Mail-In Ballot Fraud | Arizona House Speaker Rusty Bowers loses state Senate bid after criticizing Trump | Nevada County Appoints Clerk to Use Paper Ballots, Hand Counts as Election Challenge Heads to Court | Blake Masters Wins Arizona Republican Senate Primary  | Pro-Impeachment Rep. Peter Meijer Loses To Trump-Endorsed Primary Challenger John Gibbs |

And all that in spite of this:  RNC shreds Arizona county that ran out of ballots · American Wire News

What If CNN’s Supposed Effort To Regain Credibility Is Sincere And They Move To The Center? They were never actually center, they just weren’t quite as openly biased.

All FBI Agents Must Blow Their Whistles Or They’ll Be Complicit In Bureau’s Politicization | Surprise: The case of the missing Jan. 6 text messages now extends to the Pentagon

Climate Emergency? What A Crock, Part 2

Judge Strikes Down San Francisco Law Allowing Illegal Aliens to Vote

Do you know how bad the illegal growing of cannabis in California is?  Do you know who grows it?  Cartels, and not just from Mexico. Daily Caller video, Narcofornia.

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