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‘Window into history’: Tapes detail LBJ’s stolen election this finally ran in the Caller Times, today.  When will the real history of the Biden, and many others, finally be told. LBJ changed history with the programs he put in place.  How many lives were ruined by him?

Federal judge in Texas strikes down key ACA provision regarding preventive care services ACA, one of the many results of that original stolen LBJ election.

State Department defying a congressional subpoenaThe first thing to recognize about this refusal is that there is no law preventing the release of the dissent channel cables to Congress. It’s merely a “tradition” that they are kept secret. And were anyone to propose such a law it would be a complete farce. Congress is charged with performing oversight of the executive branch.”  In today’s Democrat controlled world they will probably get by with it.

Chinese balloon gathered sensitive intel from U.S. military sites: Report Was there anyone who thought it didn’t gather intelligence?  We saw where it went.

FBI raids home of lawyer dedicated to survivors of sexual crimes, finds him actively downloading child porn, caught with 2,000 sexual photos and videos of children as young as 5: Feds This is one of the true reasons for the FBI.  This is what they should be doing rather than taking political prisoners.

House GOP looking to punish politicized prosecutors by stripping them of legal immunity

Rep. Chip Roy, GOP Lawmakers Back Legislation to Prohibit Religious Discrimination by Government AgenciesOver 20 House conservatives have requested legislation to prevent government agencies from discriminating against American citizens based on their religion.”

Changing Your Birth Sex: The Emperor’s New Clothes  “The same situation is happening today as a group of dysfunctional people allege that they can change their birth sex. Instead of calling them out, our society accepts it.

Mayorkas Explains Why He Doesn’t Use ‘Crisis’ to Describe Border Chaos He thinks that would be “giving up.”  I’m pretty sure that is exactly what has happened by the administration.

This is why I call it a crisis: Video: Abandoned child on floatation device drifts down Rio Grande River This is not just one video it has several and is also a written article.

THANKS, ALVIN! Hunter Biden is going to be indicted. This ran in the Spectator which is behind a paywall, so this will do instead.

Science journals’ political meddling erodes trust in science, doesn’t change political views: study

Two Federal Judges Refuse to Hire Clerks from Stanford Law After Far-Left Protests

Signature verification software used by Maricopa County says 10% is ‘high-confidence’ match

Doctor at Boston Children’s Hospital Demands Increase in Capacity for Child Gender Surgeries

Incredible video from inside one of the Arkansas tornadoes This is intense.

NYC parking attendant, who was shot twice, charged with attempted murder after allegedly wrestling gun away from thief and shooting perp Followed now by this. Bragg changes course, dismisses case against wounded NYC garage attendant who shot suspected thief

Defense Department has “Drastically Shifted Off Course

This is What They Fear Most: UsMany have argued that we are in the midst of the Fourth Great Awakening – awakenings occur over several decades –  which will re-establish the idea of America – that all men are free, sacred beings, embedded in Christ consciousness, or in-spirited, walking with Spirit, defined once again for a new century. But this time, the Awakening is world-wide. It is only the so-called intelligentsia that does not know this.”  This one is one of my designated MUST READS.


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