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This was sent to me by a friend, thanks, Zan. Katie Hopkins Has A Message For America, applies to whole world…  It is a video and worth watching.

How the Migrant caravan became so big and why. It was Oct. 12. She and her cousin had just opened a small business selling tortillas when they were confronted by a gang, threatened with death if they didn’t hand over half of their profits. She looked at the Facebook post: “An avalanche of Hondurans is preparing to leave in a caravan to the United States. Share this!” Within three hours, her bags were packed.  Interesting the person who needed to come for refuge and a job had a cell phone and a Facebook page, and enough belongings she had bags to pack.

Amazon is helping ICE track, detain and deport immigrants.  I wonder if Jeff Bezos realizes this? (of course, he does, anything to make money.)

Who started the march?  Well, there’s this  Bartolo Fuentes, a former Honduran lawmaker turned radio host and migrant worker, has been revealed as the man behind the caravan heading toward the US and this: Meet the man behind the migrant caravan headed to US and they both point to the same man who is willing to take credit. Now there is a second group forming.   This shows a photo of Nancy Pelosi and the son of George Soros, do you think there might be Soros money behind this? Someone is paying for the trucks that the young men are traveling in, the food and camping supplies for many.  For the real families with children and elderly, all I can say if God bless them and keep them safe from harm.

Of course, there are violent criminals in the mix.  I’m sure they will be up to their usual dirty work along the way.

This is really disgusting.  EXCLUSIVE: 253 Theaters Drop ‘Gosnell’ Amid Media Blackout to Defend ‘Sacrament’ of Abortion

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For those paying attention, the intent of today’s Democrat Party is clear. It hasn’t been the party of John F. Kennedy for a very long time. Instead, it is the party of anti-Americanism, government slavery, and open borders that would see traditional America destroyed and absorbed into a globalist nightmare.

Can the global world evolve?  Richard Fernandez trying to put it all together. He doesn’t seem very hopeful.

Now Al Gore is saying, in a casual way, “The language that the [UN] IPCC used in presenting it was torqued up a little bit, appropriately – how [else] do they get the attention of policy-makers around the world?”  The usual whatever works policy for liberals.

Intending to paint him negatively, the Times accidentally paints a picture of a diligent and effective agency head who is achieving results over the objections of a large, entrenched, and politically extreme bureaucracy attempting to thwart constitutional accountability.  She is writing about an article that wanted to trash AG Jeff Sessions.

A convenient omission? Trump campaign adviser denied collusion to FBI source early on  How much of our national treasure, which includes comity and civility as well as money, has gone into this farce?  Daily we see the talking heads of the left ranting on, the ones on the right doing their ranting, and people on Facebook and Twitter in civil war over the Trumpster; and it was all the time a farce to hide the misdoings of the DOJ, CIA and the former Administration.

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